Hochwertiges Olivenöl extra nativ.

von Mundioliva


Das Extra Virgin Premium Olivenöl in Glasflaschen von 750 ml und 250 ml ist unser internationalstes Format. Das dunkle Glas schützt das Olivenöl vor Lichteinwirkung und hält es so frisch wie möglich. Darüber hinaus respektiert das Glas die Eigenschaften des Öls und kann beliebig oft recycelt werden, was zur Umweltschonung beiträgt. Der klassische Cuvée ist unser Bestseller. Er wird aus Oliven gewonnen, die zur richtigen Reifezeit geerntet und auf Bestellung abgefüllt werden, um ihre Eigenschaften bis zum letzten Moment zu bewahren. Mit seiner intensiven gelben Farbe und grünen Akzenten, seinem Duft nach reifer Frucht wie Banane und Noten von frischem Gras hinterlässt er einen sehr angenehmen Geschmack. Durch die niedrige Bitterkeit, die auf die Sorte der Siberia Extremeña, die Verdial de Badajoz, zurückzuführen ist, hinterlässt er einen Kick im Mund mit einer mittleren Schärfe, der ihn von anderen Ölen unterscheidet.
Keine Mindestbestellmenge Versandfertig in: 48 - 72h

Weitere Informationen

Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Glass 750 ml and 250 ml

The Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Glass 750 ml and 250 ml is our most international format. The dark glass protects the olive oil from exposure to light, keeping the oil as fresh as possible. In addition, glass preserves the properties of the oil and can be recycled as many times as necessary, helping to care for the environment.

The Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Glass 750 ml and 250 ml is a high-quality EVOO with low acidity. It is obtained from olives harvested at the veraison stage, the optimal moment of ripeness, processed cold, and packaged on demand to preserve its properties until the last moment.

Our Olive Oil

Furthermore, the MundiOliva Coupage EVOO is made from a selection of olives from the La Siberia Extremeña region, designated a Biosphere Reserve in 2019 by UNESCO. This places the product in a unique enclave, with a climate different from the rest of the region, and minimal pollution due to the lack of large cities nearby. The selection of olives filters out those at their optimal ripeness, healthy, clean, and free from apparent external defects. This guarantees the production of a high-quality EVOO.

Due to the variety from Siberia Extremeña, the Verdial de Badajoz, it offers a low level of bitterness and leaves a medium spiciness in the mouth that sets it apart from other oils. With an intense yellow color with traces of green, an aroma of ripe fruit like banana with notes of green grass leaves a very pleasant palate.

On the other hand, our facilities ensure that the process is optimal, as well as its preservation in stainless steel until the moment of packaging. At the MundiOliva mill, we do not store large stocks, so the oil is bottled almost on demand, making it last fresher for longer.

For all these reasons, our classic coupage is our best seller. An extraordinary product that provides the best characteristics of EVOO with a quality-price ratio accessible to everyone.

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