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Technology is more and more present every day, in our lives and in our businesses. It is increasingly necessary to adapt our shops to the digital world, taking into account that future generations will progressively acquire more and more knowledge on the subject. Perhaps over the last few years you have heard the word “Marketplace” more than once, and perhaps all those years you have been listening to conversations on the subject without having a clue. That’s why today at mentta, we’re here to explain what a Marketplace is!
What is a Marketplace?
To get to the heart of the matter, a Marketplace is an online shopping mall. In other words, it is a digital platform where various shops and brands sell their products. It’s like virtually entering a shopping mall and being able to browse through all the showcases of your favourite shops.
But the most important thing is that the Marketplace is a digital intermediary between the seller and the customer, an intermediary without time or borders.
Advantages for sellers?
The great Internet giant is taking over the markets more and more every day. “If you can’t beat your enemy, join him” is the motto that physical shops have had to follow in order not to be left behind in this technological era. Actually, for sellers, the entry to this type of platforms is so useful both for customer acquisition and for the expansion of their business, making themselves known in this world.
In the Marketplace there are many shops, and in many cases, different brands coexist in the same digital environment, so a customer who goes to buy from a specific shop may end up browsing other shops. It should also be noted that, with review sections, customers share a lot of information about their shopping experiences. In addition, expansion into other countries is also possible.
In summary, for sellers the idea of putting their products in a Marketplace is always a good option because: it is another sales channel through which they can receive benefits; it allows the expansion of sales; you can promote yourself at a reasonable price through digital marketing; there is no time or borders, and you can sell 24 hours a day.
Advantages for customers?
Not only for sellers, it is also important that the customer gets used to buying through this type of platforms that are gaining ground on physical shops. Why? In this fast consumer society, the fact that a product is just a click away from appearing in your home is a marvel. The convenience of not having to walk through an entire shopping centre is there, and taking into account that each Marketplace is specialised in a certain sector of consumers, it may not even be necessary to leave the same website.
Another important factor are reviews. The transparency of online shops is unavoidable as soon as a few customers share their experience through writing and photos, or on their social media. Therefore you can approach the shopping experience like never before.
In summary, online shopping on these platforms is an advantage for customers because: convenience without having to leave home to shop; transparency of the shops through customer reviews; the availability of products is wider than in physical shops; the amount of offers and discounts on products are high.
Now comes the most important question…
Why mentta?
mentta is our specialised food marketplace. We have more than 500 different sellers with their shops, as well as more than 50.000 products for all tastes. We like to work with small local producers and source the best products from each region.
Our website is a big shopping mall where you will find consumers’ favourite shops, new vendors constantly joining mentta, featured products and some discounts for your recommendations or first purchase.
We were born with the aim of offering the customer a unique experience in the online world. It seems that the terms “online shopping” and “fresh food” cannot go together in the same sentence, but at mentta we want to prove that it is possible. We cut out all the intermediaries and their product storage measures, contact the seller directly and bring the freshest food to your doorstep, fresh from the field and straight to your home!
Advantages of mentta
- We support the small producer, our success depends on our sellers, that’s why we are always very attentive. We try to increase their sales, help them to expand and make their product known. We look for food from small producers to help local trade.
- We have all kinds of products. We are committed to natural products and sustainability, so we always try to collaborate with sellers who are committed to the environment. Ecological and organic products, artisans with traditional techniques, gluten-free food, gourmet products, homemade prepared food… All the products you are looking for are in mentta!
- We look for the most affordable prices for the consumer. We believe that it is important that eating well, fresh and quality food is something accessible to all budgets.
- We have a fast and efficient customer service, as well as various channels to communicate with us so that your experience is completely positive. And we deliver your shopping to your home, so you don’t have to leave the sofa.
Disadvantages of mentta
The only problem is that, once you start shopping in our Marketplace, you won’t be able to stop. So go for it!
Start your first purchase!