Ingredients: Contramuslo de pollo (61,9 %) Tomate frito (19,1 %) tomate, aceites vegetales (girasol y oliva), azúcar, almidón modificado de patata, sal, cebolla y ajo. Cebolla fresca (7,1 %) Pimiento verde (4,3 %) Vino blanco de cocina (3,3 %) (contiene sulfitos) Aceite de oliva virgen extra ecológico (3,3 %) Sal (1%)
Chicken thigh in tomato sauce is a dish from the "V Gama" cuisine, which refers to prepared and packaged foods ready to consume.
This dish consists of pieces of chicken thigh cooked in a delicious tomato sauce.
The tomato sauce gives a rich and flavorful taste to the chicken, while the meat remains tender and juicy.
It is a convenient option for those looking for a quick and easy meal.
It can be accompanied with rice, pasta or steamed vegetables.
It is an ideal option for a tasty and nutritious meal.
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