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Organic cauliflower grown in Malaga
It has diuretic properties, due to its high water and potassium content and low sodium intake. The consumption of this vegetable promotes the elimination of excess fluids from the body and is beneficial in cases of hypertension, fluid retention, and oliguria (scant urine production). Increased urine production allows for the elimination of waste substances dissolved in it such as uric acid, urea, etc. Therefore, it is also recommended for those suffering from hyperuricemia and gout, as well as individuals prone to kidney stones.
Its main component is water and it is a food with low caloric intake since it has a low content of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. However, it is considered a good source of dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, folic acid, Vitamin B5, as well as small amounts of other B group vitamins (such as B1, B2, and B3) and minerals (especially potassium and phosphorus).
Originally from southern Europe, cauliflower is a plant that has been cultivated in all temperate regions of the planet, where it prefers soils rich in salt and gypsum. The name comes from the Latin "caulis" (stem), and refers to the group of vegetables of this species, among which broccoli, broccoli, and cabbage can be found. It has been cultivated for thousands of years and is one of the most used plants by humans in terms of food.
Cauliflower is a biennial plant that grows in a rosette shape, with fleshy and edible leaves that accumulate a large amount of water and nutrients during the first year of life, while in the second year these same nutrients cause a yellow inflorescence to form that reaches 2 meters in height.
Its main use is gastronomic. It can be steamed, roasted, fried, stewed, boiled, or gratin. It can be served as a side dish to other dishes, such as legumes or rice, or as a basic ingredient in a healthy vegetable stew. It can also be used as a side dish for some fish, such as cod, or it can even be part of a tortilla.
For treatments against gastritis, pancreatitis, achlorhydria, or to prevent liver conditions, it is advisable to take the juice made with the leaves, which should be prepared at a rate of 75 to 200 cc daily.
At the digestive level, it is advisable to consume cabbage regularly, as it contains important concentrations of vitamin U, which is essential to protect the stomach lining and also helps prevent ulcers.
To treat colitis, it is advisable to take a decoction of a cabbage leaf in a cup of water and take it throughout the day. Some researchers claim that frequent consumption of green vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, and watercress is ideal for strengthening the immune system, which will help prevent allergies.
It is useful in cases of wounds, sores, bruises, or skin ulcers, for which the leaves are moderately mashed and applied to the affected area as poultices wrapped in a handkerchief or cotton, the liquids will help improve and stimulate the cells responsible for skin regeneration and healing.
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