Alerbalance Shock 30 capsules Bioserum

from Solo Sin Gluten



Alerbalance Shock contributes to the maintenance of the respiratory mucosa of the upper airways under normal conditions. (Source: EFSA) There are many substances that act as allergens, causing the release of histamine, a substance responsible for the symptoms of allergies. The plant kingdom offers us plants that, when combined, can help make the life of an allergic person better. However, these plants are not a substitute for therapies with bronchodilators, corticosteroids, or other medications used in severe cases of asthma. The plants recommended for allergic conditions act to promote the functionality of the upper respiratory tract. These plants act on the airways to calm coughing, eye watering, and nasal congestion. With quercetin for more acute states.


Ingredients per 2 capsules: standardized nebulized extracts of Japanese acacia 510 mg (providing 484 mg of quercetin), goldenrod 180 mg, agrimony 180 mg, fumitory 120 mg, pine buds 90 mg, desmodium 90 mg, Iceland lichen 60 mg, and horsetail 45 mg, 100% NRV of manganese, copper, and selenium.

Nutritional information:

Standardized nebulized extracts of:

  • Quercefit (Japanese Acacia - 40% quercetin) 187.5 mg
  • Goldenrod 180 mg
  • Agrimony 180 mg
  • Fumitory 120 mg
  • Pine buds 90 mg
  • Desmodium 90 mg
  • Iceland lichen 60 mg
  • Horsetail 45 mg
  • Manganese 2 mg (100% NRV)
  • Copper 1 mg (100% NRV)
  • Selenium 55 μg (100% NRV)

Directions for use:

Take two capsules per day.

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Solo Sin Gluten
No minimum order Shipping time: 4 - 5 work days

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