Mark: Conservas El Capricho
No, the size does not matter, the maturation is the true art of our craftsmanship, the size of the anchovy is the least important thing. It is true that a larger anchovy looks better on a plate, but who would value a painting for the attractiveness of its frame?
double Zero? Double Zero? What is this Double Zero? It is nothing more than a way of calibrating the size of the anchovies. Just that, the size. In no way refers to its quality, its texture, its preparation or its origin, which is, after all, what really matters, the key to the anchovy is in its preparation and in the season in which it is caught. And the speciesEngraulis encrasicholus, from the fishing grounds of the Bay of Biscay, is considered the most important calidad.Por that the size is... the least important thing.
No, anchovies do not leave a salty aftertaste, but if they taste salty they do not taste like anchovies. In the best case, it means that its time has not been respected. At worst, it means that an attempt has been made to mask some defect.
No, anchovies should not have bones;a well-worked anchovy is one that lacks bones, has a reddish-brownish color and a firm, meaty texture. The cleaning process must be meticulous and must be carried out with the utmost care.
Mark: Conservas El Capricho
No, the size does not matter, the maturation is the true art of our craftsmanship, the size of the anchovy is the least important thing. It is true that a larger anchovy looks better on a plate, but who would value a painting for the attractiveness of its frame?
double Zero? Double Zero? What is this Double Zero? It is nothing more than a way of calibrating the size of the anchovies. Just that, the size. In no way refers to its quality, its texture, its preparation or its origin, which is, after all, what really matters, the key to the anchovy is in its preparation and in the season in which it is caught. And the speciesEngraulis encrasicholus, from the fishing grounds of the Bay of Biscay, is considered the most important calidad.Por that the size is... the least important thing.
No, anchovies do not leave a salty aftertaste, but if they taste salty they do not taste like anchovies. In the best case, it means that its time has not been respected. At worst, it means that an attempt has been made to mask some defect.
No, anchovies should not have bones;a well-worked anchovy is one that lacks bones, has a reddish-brownish color and a firm, meaty texture. The cleaning process must be meticulous and must be carried out with the utmost care.