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Formerly one of the blends of reference in Scotland, considered a luxury product. In the boom years of the blend, others such as the Chivas brothers' took away its importance. Today they are fighting to regain importance with some very competitive products.
Amber colour.
Earthy aromas with hints of citrus.
Mushy mouthfeel with citrus and malt. Smooth finish with a hint of spice.
In the pastone of theblendsofreference inScotland,wasconsidereda productof luxury.In the boom years of thefrom the boom boomblendandof the expansion of the whiskyhisks, othersblendslike those of the brothersChivasthey took awayimportance.Currentlystruggle for get back to winning importancewith some productsvery competitive.
NOTEDECATA: Colorambarintense, with aromasearthywithreminiscent of afruitcitrus.Inmouthithoneywithcitrus,andpredominatesmalt.Finalsmooth with a touchspicy.