Basket of Juice Oranges, Valencian Tomatoes, and Lemons.

from Frutamare

Temporarily out of stock

Orange Variety: Valencia

With this combined basket of juice oranges, tomatoes, and lemons, we offer you a small sample of our products.

We don't want you to think that only our table oranges, juice oranges, lemons, or any other citrus fruits we produce and sell offer excellent quality. The rest of the fruits and vegetables maintain the same quality standards.

But instead of us telling you, check it out for yourself with this basket of juice oranges full of sweet juice (5 or 8 kg), locally grown tomatoes (2 kg), and Verna lemons, the best variety of citrus grown in the Valencian orchard (1 or 2 kg). All of them are freshly harvested fruits, so they retain their maximum properties.

Additionally, the produce is selected by our farmers as soon as they receive the order. Our goal is for what reaches your pantry to exactly match what you have requested. For example, among the oranges that have reached their optimal ripeness point, they will choose those varieties whose characteristics make them suitable for extracting larger amounts of juice.

Why Buy the FrutaMare Juice Orange, Tomato, and Lemon Basket

Firstly, because the products in this juice orange, tomato, and lemon basket are high-quality products that are consumed quickly. Raf tomatoes are the main ingredient in salads, gazpachos, or jams. Orange juice is part of our daily breakfasts. Verna lemons play a prominent role in pastries, dressings, marinades... as well as in cosmetics, beauty, and cleaning. Not to mention the delicious lemonade. We remind you now that summer is approaching.

Well, in one shipment you will receive all three. Without leaving your home, with free mainland delivery service and ensuring that each of them has just been picked from the tree or plant where it has ripened.

The difference between respecting natural cycles or not, by harvesting prematurely, storing in refrigerated chambers, and subjecting the fruit to artificial treatments, is enormous. You rarely will acquire fruit and vegetables that meet these requirements in regular establishments.

The Quality of FrutaMare

Trust is key in any commercial transaction. At FrutaMare, we can proudly boast of having earned the trust of our customers over time. What we sell in our online store corresponds to what they expect: seasonal fruits, free of chemical treatments, fresh, and natural.

The juice oranges, Raf tomatoes, and lemons in this basket have been grown and harvested following procedures that avoid causing harm to the fruit and respecting the environment. It is a national product, subject to the strict regulations of the EU guaranteeing consumer rights.

Take the opportunity to try some of the products we offer at FrutaMare, without leaving your home or incurring transportation costs. This basket of juice oranges, Raf tomatoes, and lemons will give you an idea of the quality standards of FrutaMare regarding the produce we offer.

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Minimum order amount: 30.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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