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500g jar
Brocciu is available from October to May, it is made with sheep whey. Between June and October, brousse takes over (brousse is made from powdered milk).
Ingredients: Sheep's and/or goat's whey, raw sheep's and/or goat's milk, salt
Company presentation: Established as a farmer in 1972 in Poggio Mezzana, Michel MATTEI delivered his herd's milk to the Roquefort dairies for two campaigns before starting the transformation on the farm.
Very quickly, in 1976, the small Fougère (A FILETTA) cheese appears. The technique improves and the product is successful, leading to the development of the herd and the operation.
In 1981, he moved with his wife Laurence to the cellars of 'Maison MANNONI', on the edge of National Road 198 in the municipality of Taglio Isolaccio. The success was such that they considered buying milk from their neighbors.
In 1984, Laurence MATTEI took over the cheesemaking activity as a craft cheesemaker. (4 contributors - including M MATTEI - 120,000 liters of sheep's milk).
In 1989, the SARL 'A FILETTA' artisanal dairy was created. It took over the artisanal activity previously carried out by Mrs. MATTEI.
- Purchase of land on the edge of National Road 198 and conversion into a dairy.
- Significant development of collection
- Sheep's milk and goat's milk, commercialization on the mainland...
Since the 2000s, the company has a highly efficient production facility capable of combining tradition and modernity...