Carbojet Mass 1,8 Kg

from FitnessZone



Carborelease from Bigman Nutrition represents the fastest and most effective way to restore muscle and liver glycogen stores.

Carborelease represents the fastest and most effective way to restore muscle and liver glycogen stores

If we compare the amylopectin inCarborelease with conventional carbohydrates, it is possibly the best carbohydrate in the world, as it represents the fastest and most effective way to restore muscle and liver glycogen stores.

Thanks to its formula we can replenish muscle glycogen levels in the body after a period of activity.
It can be used to mix it with protein, as it is presented without taste and has an excellent dissolution

Amylopectin skips its passage through the stomach and is absorbed directly by the intestine, consequently it is assimilated immediately, all this is done at a much faster rate than any other carbohydrate (such as dextrose or maltodextrin), almost twice as fast.

Amylopectin is a carbohydrate that has been developed for all types of athletes who need a nutritional tool that provides them with cost-effective muscle energy.
It is of particular importance in endurance athletes and strength athletes.
Its particular structure gives it a high molecular weight, very similar to glycogen, which allows it to pass through the digestive tract much faster than conventional carbohydrates.
In this process it is understood that: a lower osmolarity is achieved faster passage from the stomach to the intestine and finally into the blood, which is really where they provide energy

The amylopectin has a very low osmolarity and therefore is able to minimize the risk of stomach problems while multiplying hydration and amplifies the energy intake

Carborelease uses a slightly hydrolyzed corn starch highly concentrated in amylopectin.


Main benefits of Big Man Carborelease:

Main benefits of Big Man Carborelease:


High molecular weight carbohydrate

Has the lowest osmolarity and therefore a faster passage through the digestive tract

No fluid retention.

Without fluid retention

Exceptionally useful for the assimilation of other supplements.


Corn amylopectin.

Corn amylopectin

Its content in AMYLOPECTIN is 99% (AMYLOSE - 1%)


Matured corn starch (amylopectin).

Matured corn starch (amylopectin)

How to use

Dissolve the amount a dispenser (70 gr approximately) in water and add the appropriate protein, to get the right mix depending on whether it is taken as a glycogen load, before exercise, or after exercise as a recuperator.
It mixes perfectly with the protein as it is presented without taste and has a very good dissolution.

Before training or competition:
- Add 70 grams to 500 ml of cold water and shake or mix vigorously. Consume 1 dose 45 minutes before competition. For activities lasting more than two hours, take a second dose 15 minutes before the start of exercise.

During training or competition:
- Mix with water in a bottle or shaker and drink continuously during physical activity. During competitions where you can only drink during breaks, make sure you have mixed the amylopectin beforehand and that it is accessible. You should consume 70 g every 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the intensity of the exercise.

Carbohydrate loading before competition:
- Amylopectin is an excellent product to combine with other carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta, potatoes or bananas to start carbohydrate loading about three days before competition. Consume 2 or 3 doses of 70 grams per day between meals with a high carbohydrate content. It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids during this phase.

Recovery for after competition:
- Take 1 dose of 70 grams for every hour of training or competition after finishing to improve recovery. Consume for about 2 hours after competition.

Athlete looking to boost training and performance.

Take 1 serving of 35g before exercise.

Athlete looking for prolonged energy.

Take one 35g serving during exercise.

Athlete looking for optimal and fast recovery.

Take one 35g serving after exercise.

Athlete looking to increase muscle size and weight.

Take several intakes of 35 grams a day being the best time before / after training


Pack of 2 kg.

Pack of 2 kg

Translated automatically
No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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