Cherry, Artichoke, and Raf Valenciano Basket 6K (2Kg Cherries, 2Kg Artichokes, and 2Kg Tomato)

from Frutamare


Free Shipping! (Peninsula only)

There are fruits and vegetables that we instinctively associate. And we can't think of three that better represent this season than the ones we include in the combined basket we present to you here: cherry basket, artichokes, and Raf tomatoes. Variety of color and flavor in a pack where the main protagonist is the water they all contain. Because, let's be honest, what we ask for the most from a food at this time of year is not to refresh and hydrate us?

Well, the request is satisfied with this basket of cherries, artichokes, and Raf tomatoes. And, not just in any way. Not at all. On the contrary, what you will receive is top-quality produce, products directly from the farmer. Specifically, you will receive 2 kg of cherries, 2 kg of artichokes, and 2 kg of Raf tomatoes delivered to your home.

The right amount for you to consume them all in time. And without having to wait, as it will be an average of just 24 hours before we send them to you after you place your order. And with free shipping to the peninsula!

Why buy the Cherry, Artichoke, and Raf Tomato Basket from FrutaMare

To begin with, because nutritionists and health authorities remind us that we should consume, at a minimum, 400 grams of fruit and vegetables daily if we want to keep our body in good condition. That should be more than enough reason to buy this basket of cherries, artichokes, and Raf tomatoes.

But also, how can you not buy fruit and vegetables when what appears before our eyes is of the quality offered by the stars of this cherry, artichoke, and Raf tomato basket. Freshly harvested fruits and vegetables, always respecting the cycle of each tree and the requirements of the land. Only in this way do they offer us their full potential, both nutritionally and in flavor. When you take the first bite, you will notice the difference compared to those you can buy in the supermarket.

And that is precisely another reason to buy this basket of cherries, artichokes, and Raf tomatoes. And, for many, the most important reason. The contrast with the produce you may have bought so far in supermarkets and large establishments, where there is no respect for the fruit and vegetables or the consumer by bringing the items from distant places, passing through refrigeration rooms and chemical treatments to artificially preserve them. How could all that not detract from their properties and flavor? At FrutaMare, we offer you the opposite.

The quality of FrutaMare

Our high quality standards are reflected in the delicate artisanal production of each fruit, something that all your senses notice, starting with sight and ending with taste. It has been several decades of experience in which we have shown that we prioritize good practices over any economic criteria because we love the land and deeply respect the consumer who will receive its fruit.

Furthermore, it is not only our long history that supports us, but also other tangible guarantees, such as the seal of protected geographical location that our fruits and vegetables hold.

Don't miss the opportunity to buy this high-quality, national harvest cherry, artichoke, and Raf tomato basket at a very good price.

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Minimum order amount: 30.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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