Chipotle Sauce 125ml Sierra Nevada

from Casa Ortega


This salsa is a version of a very old recipe from Mexico. One Friday night at a party at my university we decided to go to Mexico. From the central coast of California, in 8 hours we were in Baja California. After sleeping a couple of hours on the beach, we went to eat at a restaurant right on the beach. Believing that the spicy food would take away our hangovers, we started with the salsas.... And this salsa was the best I ever had in my life. I left that restaurant with no hangover, and with the recipe for this Chipotle sauce... And here it is. With lots of chipotle (smoked ripe jalapeño), garlic, onion, cilantro, cumin, oregano, black bell pepper, apple cider vinegar and organic salt, this salsa is the tastiest we've ever made. It's a flavor bomb, with a mild kick. For cooking our best sauce for sure. A couple of drops with mayonnaise or queso fresco is amazing. This sauce is a must try!

Ingredients: Chipotle, vinagre de manzana, agua de la sierra nevada, ajo, cebolla, cilantro, comino, orégano, pimienta negra, y sal virgen ecológica.

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