D-aa Max Pure 100 Capsules

from FitnessZone



D-AA Max Pure from the number 1 brand in Europe Amix™ Nutrition is a new and revolutionary supplement that provides 3,000 mg of high-quality and pure D-aspartic acid, a natural amino acid that has been shown to act as a natural regulator of important anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone.
D-aspartic acid (DAA) is probably one of the best natural components an athlete can consume to improve performance and increase muscle mass. D-aspartic acid is a natural amino acid that stimulates the body to convert cholesterol into testosterone. This stimulation is perfectly safe and has no side effects. Various scientific studies have shown that D-aspartic acid raises testosterone levels by an astonishing 42%.
Testosterone is one of the most important hormones, if not the most important, for muscle mass development and libido improvement. D-AA Max Pure will help you increase your natural testosterone levels in a matter of days to achieve maximum results.


Main benefits of D-AA Max Pure from Amix™ Nutrition:

- Contains 3,000 mg of high-quality and pure D-aspartic acid per dose.

- Increases natural testosterone production.

- Increases strength and development of lean muscle mass.

- Improves libido.

- It is a completely safe supplement.

- Contains exclusive Methocel® and CRT-ss technology for better absorption.

- 20 doses per container.

Additional Information

Since its introduction to the sports nutrition market, many studies have been conducted on D-aspartic acid to verify its performance-enhancing properties. In one particular study, experts administered a daily dose of 3.12 grams of D-aspartic acid to a group of young and healthy males (aged between 27 and 37 years) for 12 consecutive days. The results showed that males who received D-aspartic acid showed a 33% increase in testosterone levels compared to those who did not receive the acid. Therefore, D-aspartic acid has since been praised for being a supplement with great potential for increasing strength and muscle development. Studies have shown that the dose of D-aspartic acid contained in D-AA Max Pure can help stimulate signaling molecules, in turn increasing pituitary gland activity to increase the release of LH and Gh hormones; and has also been shown to have a direct stimulating effect on the testicles to increase testosterone production.

D-aspartic acid acts as a neurotransmitter in parts of the nervous system involved in hormone production. This improvement in various anabolic hormones along with proper training and nutrition leads to an increase in lean muscle mass.

Contains exclusive Methocel® and CRT-ss technologies.

D-AA Max Pure contains the exclusive Methocel® and CRT-ss technologies.

CRT-ss (Controlled Release Support System) is a prolonged release support system that increases the assimilation of the product's components, their metabolism in our body, and facilitates proper digestion of the product. This ensures continuous supply of active ingredients progressively to muscle tissues for hours for total metabolism and optimal product performance.


Aspartic acid, gelatin capsule (Made of pure gelatin, water, colorants: Titanium Dioxide), Methocel® (Hydrophilic micro-polymers cellulose ethers of matrix systems), anti-caking agents (Magnesium stearate, Silicon dioxide).

Directions for Use

As a dietary supplement for healthy adults, take 5 capsules per day. The daily dose can be taken all at once or divided into multiple doses throughout the day.


Container of 100 capsules.

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No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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