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Ingredients: Café en granos de tueste natural descafeinado . Alérgenos: SIN GLUTEN. SIN TRAZAS * de agricultura ecológica. CAFE ECOLOGICO
Usage modes: Whole bean coffee is a great choice, as freshly ground is where the aroma is best appreciated. Depending on the desired intensity, different preparation techniques can be used for coffee. From the milder to the more aggressive ones, considering heat and pressure parameters as a reference point.
The traditional preparation would be the so-called "pot coffee", that is, a coffee infusion; another preparation would be the use of "American coffee maker"; or "Italian coffee maker"; and the "espresso". From a health point of view, it is recommended to consume coffee as an infusion, so we make sure not to burn the coffee. From an organoleptic point of view, it is recommended to use high-quality water to extract all its potential.
Nutritional values: Water, fats, proteins, minerals (high content of potassium and magnesium that remains after roasting and processing) and vitamins. However, many of these substances are lost in the roasting and processing process, in addition to the caffeine that undergoes a water extraction process, through activated carbon filters; that's why decaffeinated coffee is not considered interesting from a nutritional point of view; besides, it is consumed diluted.
* Nutritional values - Referential.