Fermented vegan organic yogurt 1g Genesis




Ferment for making natural vegan yogurt.

Composed of the following bacteria: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei sp. rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Streptococcus thermophilus. All these strains have been selected and isolated from natural sources from the Bulgarian mountains.

Cultivated in a vegetable and ecological medium (organic carrot juice).

Produces a slightly viscous yogurt, with a gently acidic touch, although balanced by the sweetness of the bifidobacteria.

Recommended for the development of baby flora and people suffering from intestinal irregularity.

It also ferments plant-based beverages, especially almond, coconut, soy, and oat. Soy beverage curdles perfectly, leaving the others quite liquid; although they can be thickened by mixing them with soy beverage, guar gum, arrowroot, tapioca starch, or agar agar. These thickeners can be found HERE. They also acquire texture by beating one or two fruits (e.g. banana, pear, or apple) before adding the ferment. It is advisable to experiment first with soy beverage, and with this yogurt, do resowing in other plant-based beverages.

They produce the following beneficial effects on human health:

  • Inhibits the growth of E. coli.
  • Helps build intestinal flora in babies and children and balance it in adolescents and adults.
  • Relieves and inhibits irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Reduces vaginal infections.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Helps produce energy.
  • Slows the progression of liver diseases.
  • Balances intestinal flora.
  • Inhibits the growth of H. pylori.
  • Reduces diarrhea.
  • Favors the biodegradation of cholesterol.
  • Inhibits the growth of Candida.
  • Reduces allergies.
  • Reduces the risk of respiratory infections.
  • Improves eczema.
  • Reduces excessive intestinal permeability.
  • Eliminates toxins from the body.
  • Reduces oral pathogens.
  • Exerts an antitumor effect and reduces the risk of colon cancer.
  • Activates immune system functions, increasing the number of immunoglobulins
  • Enhances the absorption of calcium and other minerals found in milk, plant-based beverages, or other accompanying foods.
  • Produces B vitamins.
  • Facilitates the digestion of lactose and dairy proteins.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Stimulates infant growth.
  • Improves constipation.
  • Improves symptoms of irritable bowel.
  • Prevents colds and flu.
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Minimum order amount: 10.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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