A more aged expression, ideal for drinkers wanting to try a classic with more character. The sherry wood gives more texture and colour to this 15 year old.
A more aged expression, ideal for drinkers wanting to try a classic with more character
TASTING NOTE: Amber colour, complex smell with hints of wood and heather, with honey and vanilla. One for the spicy. In the mouth very silky by the sherry wood, giving way to sweet and spicy touches. Sweet and sophisticated finish.
Thisdistillery was of the firsttoappear,butwas theshe distillery that in the years 60sbet on the singlemalt,and itcame out verygood.Apart, was thepioneerin open itsdoors to the publicof alldistilleries,andis thesingle maltmonthswelcometotheworld.
In thiscase, amoreaged, idealfordrinkerswantingtoto trya classicwith morecharacter.The woodof sherry le give more textureandcolor to this15 years.
NOTEDECATA: Coloramber, scentcomplexwith hintsawood andbreezy,withhoneyand vanilla.One for thespiced.Inmouth verysilkyfor the wood ofsherry,givingsteppingsweetand spicy.Finalsweet class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b">andsophisticated.