Guava Casquitos Mediterránea organic

Guava Casquitos Mediterránea organic


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Alérgenos y características

Bio / Ecological

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Tasting this organic Mediterranean Guava in small pieces (halves), picked at its best ripening moment, in a light syrup like this one, made with natural sugar cane from organic farming, is a gastronomic experience, a very healthy alternative and one of the most delicious ways to preserve, enjoy and get the most out of the guava, a fruit that brings so many benefits to our body.

Tasting in shells (halves) this Guava Mediterránea ecological collected at its peak of ripeness, in a light syrup as éste, made with natural sugar cane ña natural sugar from organic farming;gico, is a gastronomic experience, a very healthy alternative and one of the most delicious ways to preserve, enjoy and get the most out of the guava, fruit that brings so many benefits to our body.

Parted in halves, it is perfectly appreciated in this preserve the reddish-pinkish color of its pulp due to its amount of lycopene, a micronutrient that helps create  barrier against external agents and does not deteriorate during cooking (a process necessary for the syrup or jam) and a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases

• In the elaboration of éeste almíbar of guava halves, simply has been used water and sugarúcar of caneña ecologicalógica. Nothing more

• It contains no alérgen, no preservatives, no coloring or stabilizers. 

• It should be stored in a cool place without direct light.

• It should be stored in a cool place without direct light

• It does not require refrigeration before consumption.


• It has best before date.

• It has best before date

• Once opened, it is stored in the refrigerator,  recommending consumption in the following days.

• It has a best before date.

• It has a best before date

• The guava hulls in almíbar combined with cream cheese, are a finishing touch to top off any meal,  for a rich dessert more ás elaborated or to consume  alone, between hours, for its satiating virtue.

• For the nutritional properties of guava  and the contribution of substances of antioxidant action, allies of our health, its consumption is recommended for everyone, alérgic @ s to gluten, including.

The consumption of this fruit gives us benefits for:

• Its amount of vitamin C, the strong point of the guava, which prevents us from suffering any virus and raises the defenses

• The contribution of provitamin A which, transformed into vitamin A, is essential for the immune system, vision, skin, hair, mucous membranes or bones.

• The contribution of provitamin A, transformed into vitamin A, is essential for the immune system, visión, skin, hair, mucous membranes or bones

• Help eliminate toxins from the body

• Improve gastrointestinal discomfort, constipation, or diarrhea.


• Contribute to improving the appearance and health of the skin by protecting it with its antioxidant substances

• Provide iron (prevents anemia).


• Potassium and fiber that provides and  for its levels of pectin,  positively influences on  high blood pressure and in the control of cholesterol and triglycerides.

• Protect the nervous system thanks to magnesium and potassium it contains, helping to regulate this system when  presents  imbalances.

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