Ingredients: Coco rallado*, fibra saludable de Tapioca*, almendras*, eritritol*, aceite de coco virgen extra*, nueces*, pipas de girasol*, semilllas de chía*, semillas de sesamo*, nibs de cacao 100%*, proteína de cañamo* y sal rosa del Himalaya. Alérgenos en negrita.
Delicious Granola based on shredded coconut , full of superfoods , seeds and nuts of high quality.
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/p>Compatible with Keto, Keto and Paleo lifestyle. Gluten free, certified organic, vegan and with hemp protein. Ideal for the whole family.
Interesting Facts:
No doubt a Keto granola like this one, helps to complement the needs of vegan protein intake and is also gluten-free. It meets a great deal of requirements and is suitable for everyone.