Angus Miguel Vergara Entrecôte - 350g Approx

from Casa Ortega
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The price shown is an estimate based on the weight of the product. The final price will depend on the weight of the delivered product.

Special preparation of the lower part of the Angus loin presented boneless. A piece of exceptional characteristics that combines the most characteristic elements of the Angus breed: its bright red color, juiciness and an infiltration that melts in the mouth, uncut and vacuum packed. Its packaging system ensures maximum freshness for 30 days from the date of etiquetado.Conscientes that the quality of the meat is directly related to the comfort and feeding of each animal, the Miguel Vergara Group has a farm where they collect pasture and fodder, which serve as the basis -completely controlled- for the animals' feed.A team of nutritionists manages the needs of each animal and, on the farm itself 365 days a year, prepares the animals' feed by mixing cereals, legumes, oils (mainly soybean oil) and top-quality straw to provide a balanced diet adjusted to the needs of each growth phase.


Abrir el envase y dejar oxigenar y atemperar durante 30 minutos. Cocinar completamente antes de su consumo. Ideal en plancha. Una vez abierto, consumir inmediatamente y siempres antes de su f.caducidad. Para un resultado excepcional es importante dejar la carne a temperatura ambiente entre una y cutro horas (dependiendo de la temperatura de la cocina) antes de cocinar. Calentar la sartén y marcar la carne a fuego medio-alto pr ambos lados (para evitar qie se escapen los jugos) y finalizar al gusto (aconsejamos "al punto" para apreciar la suculencia que marca la diferencia en esta carne).

Weight: 0.350

Casa Ortega
No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

More information

Special preparation of the lower part of the Angus loin presented boneless. A piece of exceptional characteristics that combines the most characteristic elements of the Angus breed: its bright red color, juiciness and a melt-in-the-mouth infiltration

Piece uncut and vacuum packed. Its packaging system ensures maximum freshness for 30 days from the date of labeling

Aware that the quality of the meat is directly related to the comfort and feeding of each animal, the Miguel Vergara Group has a farm where they collect pasture and forage, which serve as the basis -completely controlled- for the feeding of the animals.

Aware that the quality of the meat is directly related to the comfort and feeding of each animal, the Miguel Vergara Group has a farm where they collect the pasture and forage, which serve as the basis -completely controlled- for the feeding of the animals

A team of nutritionists manages the needs of each animal and, on the farm itself 365 days a year, prepares the animals' feed by mixing cereals, legumes, oils (mainly soybean oil) and top quality straw to provide a balanced diet tailored to the needs of each growth phase.

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Monday, 05 September 2022

Simplemente delicioso, productazo

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