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Multivit Forte Woman Neo - 120 tablets



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Relaxation and adaptation to cope with everyday stress.

Multivit Forte Woman Neo is a food supplement with Rhodiola and Ashwagandha, two plant extracts with adaptogenic action, i.e. they increase the body's resistance to stress and a wide range of adverse biological, chemical and physical factors.

Rhodiola helps to normalise the body's functions and strengthen systems compromised by stress. It is also an antidepressant and anxiolytic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory. It is traditionally used to alleviate symptoms of asthenia, such as fatigue and weakness, and produces an improvement in symptoms on the Hamilton scales for depression and anxiety. It also increases libido, motivation, improves sleep disorders and cognitive impairment.

Ashwagandha, or withania, has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect on the intestines and uterus. It has a tonic, aphrodisiac and nervous sedative action. It is useful for improving states of anxiety, nervous hyperexcitability, asthenia, mild hypertension, increases sexual desire and fertility, and is antioxidant and detoxifying. It improves insomnia and reduces the symptoms of stress.

All this is enhanced by a specific formula of vitamins and minerals, especially designed for women, which complements the daily needs for maximum performance.

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