Organic Nectarine - 500g

from ECOrigen


The price shown is an estimate based on the weight of the product. The final price will depend on the weight of the delivered product.

The nectarine is one of the quintessential summer fruits, as it has a high depurative power.

These are some of its benefits:

It has a high content of fat

- It has a high water content, so it is very refreshing to combat the high temperatures of the hottest months, and at the same time helps the kidneys to filter and eliminate liquids.

- It has a high water content, so it is very refreshing to combat the high temperatures of the hottest months, and at the same time helps the kidneys to filter and eliminate liquids

- It is one of the fruits with lower caloric content, ideal for those who follow a slimming diet or want to maintain their weight.

- It is one of the fruits with lower caloric content, ideal for those who follow a slimming diet or want to maintain their weight

- In the composition of nectarines, also highlights the vitamin A which is essential for vision, the good condition of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, bones and for the proper functioning of the immune system. They also provide other vitamins such as vitamin C and B3

- Contains various minerals such as potassium, which regulates the body's metabolism; magnesium and phosphorus.

- Due to the amount of minerals it contains, it is also a good source of vitamin C and B3

- Due to its amount of fiber, it contributes to regulate intestinal transit, and also contains pectin, so it has laxative properties.

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Bio / Ecological
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No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 72h

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