Eco de Artemis Nutmeg has a very intense and penetrating aroma. Typically used in creams, sauces, or desserts.
Eco Nutmeg from Artemis is the fruit of a tropical tree called nutmeg. It is a spice with a citrus, sweet, and spicy flavor and a strong aroma.
Instructions for use:
With a citrusy, sweet, and slightly spicy aroma, it is a spice to be used in moderation as you can ruin the taste of many dishes if you use it excessively. A key ingredient in curry, it is also used in many cocktails and desserts. Open and use as desired, always in moderation. You can grind it to sprinkle on your dishes. Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. When it's finished, remember to recycle the glass jar.
Organic nutmeg.