Bio / Ecological
Common pear. The pear is a juicy, fleshy fruit with different textures, colors, and flavors depending on its varieties. Its high water content is one of its most remarkable qualities, but there are many more properties of the pear.
Highly appreciated for its nutritious properties and delicate flavor. It is recommended in diets for its low calorie content, about 53caloriesper 100 grams. It contains vitaminsB1,B2, andniacinor B3, all from the B Complex, which regulate the nervous system and digestive system; strengthen the heart muscle; protect the skin and hair and are essential for growth.
It also contains vitaminsAandC, is rich inmineralssuch ascalcium,phosphorus,magnesium,copperandpotassium, in addition totannins, oleic, palmitic, glutamic, caffeic, linoleic, aspartic, andfolateand ascorbic acids. Its fiber content improvesdigestion. It hasastringentproperties.