Bio / Ecological
Choose the varieties that make up your 6-pack and do not forget to include it in the order form at the end of the process ("order notes" box)
American Brown Ale
American Brown Ale, heritage of the English Pale Ale, hopped with very aromatic and nuanced American varieties. Dark amber colour, cloudy, medium bodied, fruity and dry. Flavor, aromas and bitterness of American hops and citrus, without dominating over the malt
Triple malt organic barley, Cascade hops, water from the mountains of Madrid and organic cane sugar
Volume of alcohol: 5.5%
Seasonal product - Currently NOT AVAILABLE
Black wheat beer
Wheat black beer
Dunkelweizen type beer (wheat stout), smooth with medium body and brown colour. Presence of sweet and chocolate characters. Medium carbonation and aromas of hops and yeast
Triple organic wheat and barley malt, Hallertau Hersbrucker hops, water from the mountains of Madrid and organic cane sugar
Volume of alcohol: 4.5%
Bitter Beer
Double malt barley. Smooth and refreshing, moderate bitterness. With
medium body. Medium carbonation. Forest and honey
aromas and characters
Double malt of organic barley, Golding hops, water from the Sierra de Madrid and organic cane sugar
Alcohol volume: 5%
IPA beer
Triple malt and strongly hopped beer. Medium bodied with herbal, woody and citrusy characters. Floral aroma and fruity nuances
Three organic barley malts, one of them special, organic hops Chinook and Cascade with dry addition on fermenter and water from the Sierra de Guadarrama.
Volume of alcohol: 6.5%