Pasiflora S.XXI Extract 50ml Soria Natural



Passionflower Extract S.XXI 50ml Soria Natural

Passionflower is a medicinal plant known for its calming and sedative properties, which can be of great help to relax in moments of nervousness. Traditionally used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and other nervous disorders, passionflower is valued for its ability to induce a sense of tranquility and well-being.

Main Properties:

  • Calming Properties: Passionflower acts on the central nervous system, helping to reduce anxiety and nervousness.
  • Muscle Relaxation: Helps to relax tense muscles, providing an overall sense of physical calmness.
  • Induction of Sleep: Facilitates sleep onset and improves its quality, being useful in cases of mild insomnia.

Benefits of Using Passionflower:

  • Reduction of Anxiety and Nervousness: Helps calm the mind and reduce feelings of anxiety, promoting an overall sense of tranquility.
  • Improved Sleep: Facilitates sleep onset and improves its duration and quality, ideal for those who have trouble sleeping deeply.
  • Stress Relief: Provides relief in stressful situations, helping to relax the body and mind.

Main Features:

  • Cyclodextrins: Use of cyclodextrins to improve the absorption of active principles.
  • Lyophilized Extract in Vegetable Glycerin: Lyophilization process that preserves the properties of passionflower and improves its stability.
  • Increased Absorption and Bioavailability: The formulation improves the absorption and bioavailability of active principles, ensuring that the body utilizes them more efficiently.
  • Increased Stability and Protection: The applied technology provides greater stability and protection to active principles, guaranteeing their effectiveness.
  • Combination of Multiple Active Principles: Passionflower contains multiple active principles that act synergistically to enhance its benefits.
  • Reduction of Irritation when Ingested: Formulation designed to minimize gastrointestinal irritation, improving product tolerance. Alcohol-Free: Alcohol-free extracts, making them suitable for people who wish or need to avoid alcohol consumption.

Benefits of Passionflower from the Composor Siglo XXI range:

The passionflower from the Composor Siglo XXI range of Soria Natural is ideal for those seeking a natural and effective remedy to calm nerves, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality. This supplement harnesses the calming properties of passionflower to provide relief in moments of nervousness, helping to induce a sense of calm and relaxation.

With its advanced formulation and focus on quality and effectiveness, passionflower from Soria Natural is an excellent choice for those in need of additional support for mental and emotional health, providing calmness and improving quality of life.


Humectant: glycerin, water, lyophilized passionflower extract (Passiflora incarnata L, P. aérea) (540 mg), gamma-cyclodextrins (180 mg), and alpha-cyclodextrins (90 mg).

Composition (3ml):

Flavonoids: 10.5 mg

Directions for Use

Adults: It is recommended to take 1 ml, 3 times a day, diluted in water.

Children: according to healthcare professional's discretion.

Shake well before use. To dose, squeeze the teat and wait a few seconds.

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Minimum order amount: 10.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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