PCT Adenovex 60 Caps

from FitnessZone

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PCT Adenovex™ by Starlabs® is a capsule supplement that is specially designed to help boost and stimulate natural testosterone levels.

Several studies on the compounds in PCT suggest that they can support athletes in increasing muscle mass, protecting the liver, improving strength and endurance, and increasing testosterone and energy levels.

PCT products (post-cycle therapy) are used as an integral part of a post-cycle regimen.

PCT Adenovex™ contains a combination of ingredients that work synergistically to maximize the body's natural testosterone production and minimize estrogen rebound.

Its formula contains fenugreek extract, broccoli extract, magnesium, Garcinia mangostana, artichoke extract, zinc, and vitamin B6.


Main benefits of PCT Adenovex™ by Starlabs®:

- Ideal as an integral part of a post-cycle regimen.

- Optimizes natural testosterone production.

- Increases strength, muscle mass, and performance.

- Supports results while you sleep.

- Protects your liver and minimizes estrogen rebound.

- Increases energy levels.

- 20 doses per container.

Additional Information

Contains 750 mg of fenugreek per dose, a plant also known as fenugreek that has numerous health benefits, is capable of raising testosterone and increasing insulin release. Fenugreek contains a high amount of furostanolic saponins, and it is believed that these compounds are capable of increasing testosterone by increasing the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) that the body produces. LH and DHEA are hormones that signal the release of testosterone in the body. In addition, some bodybuilders claim to have increased appetite when consuming fenugreek extract, a great benefit for those who struggle to gain weight. There are several scientific studies on fenugreek that have shown it has a great ability to decrease cholesterol and triglyceride levels and has antidiabetic powers by regulating insulin.

Fenugreek has the ability to not only rapidly increase testosterone levels, but it is also capable of reducing levels of SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) and albumin, which bind to testosterone in the bloodstream, binding and deactivating it. By lowering SHBG and albumin levels, large amounts of testosterone are rapidly released and can now be bioactive.

This extract works through a dual-action pathway to maximize and protect your testosterone by drastically reducing the 5-alpha-reductase and aromatase enzymes:

- First, the extract inhibits the aromatase enzyme, preventing aromatization and the conversion of testosterone to estrogens, minimizing unwanted side effects such as edema or gynecomastia.

- Second, fenugreek extract minimizes the conversion of testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), inhibiting the action of the 5α reductase enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, a male hormone associated with negative male effects such as hair loss.

Through different studies, its effect as a potent aromatase inhibitor has been confirmed. Aromatase is the key enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. With decreasing levels of aromatase, the amount of testosterone that is converted into estrogen decreases and testosterone levels increase even more. What does this mean in simple terms? To start, it dramatically increases free and bioavailable testosterone levels in the body. More testosterone equals greater control, vigor, and aggressiveness inside and outside the gym, more muscle, and more strength. Second, research shows that this compound has the ability to significantly achieve maximum definition in just 8 weeks by stimulating the lipase enzyme, improving the fat burning process, and decreasing overall body fat levels. Fenugreek extract has been shown in clinical research to be a safe ingredient and free from unwanted side effects.

Broccoli extract standardized to a minimum content of 10% glucosinolate sulforaphane. Broccoli is a source of chemically active compounds. Its most important health effects are attributed to the high concentration of compounds called glucosinolates. One of them is glucoraphanin, which is present in the sprouts, seeds, and in the plant itself, but mainly in the sprouts, which contain up to fifty times more glucoraphanin than the adult plant. The presence of an enzyme (myrosinase) triggers the release of sulforaphane, which is the compound that appears to be the true

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