Pineapple and Melon Basket 1 Pineapple + 1 Melon

from Frutamare


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Some fruits come, others go. It could be a way to present the melon and watermelon basket that we offer you this time.

Autumn takes over from summer and typically summery fruits like melon are giving way in our fruit and vegetable store to others that are entering their best consumption season, like pineapple.

We have always said that it is important to follow a seasonal criterion when buying fruits and vegetables. You can continue to enjoy the fruits that have accompanied you throughout the warm months for a few more months, but it will no longer be their optimal season.

That's why this basket with 1 pineapple and 1 melon offers the opportunity to take advantage of the best of both while you still have time. One because it is slowly disappearing from the scene (the melon) and the other because it is starting to thrive (the pineapple).

The price of the basket is €25 including taxes and shipping costs for mainland customers.

Why buy the Pineapple and Melon Basket from FrutaMare?

Among other reasons, because when you buy fruits and vegetables you bring the nutritional properties of the melon to your table while it is still in a good consumption period, and those of the pineapple as it begins its own.

The melon belongs to the cucurbitaceae family. It is a diuretic fruit, making it especially recommended for people with water retention.

Also, it has a high water content, making it a hydrating fruit. These two factors together promote weight reduction. With its fiber content it also improves intestinal transit.

Its antioxidants slow down cellular aging, and potassium controls blood pressure reducing the risk of vascular accidents.

On the other hand, the Ananas Comosus or pineapple is a fruit that belongs to the bromeliaceae family. Bromelain comes into play, an enzyme similar to digestive enzymes that aids digestion.

Consuming peeled and cut pineapple fills you with vitamins and minerals. In addition, pineapple contains folic acid and vitamins A, B, and C. The latter, in addition to strengthening the immune system, promotes iron absorption. Therefore, it is recommended for those suffering from iron-deficiency anemia.

You already know that buying fruits and vegetables will bring greater benefits if consumed naturally. That doesn't prevent the two fruits in this basket from being presented in very different ways: salads, sorbets, ice creams, fruit cocktails, soups, creams... You can also buy fruits and vegetables and make pineapple carpaccio with a peeled and cut pineapple, puff pastries, compotes...

Remember that you can also buy pineapples, buy melons and watermelons or buy avocados (among others) in bulk.

The quality of FrutaMare

FrutaMare is not just a commercial company. In fact, we are farmers registered in the General Register of Agricultural Production of the Valencian Community. There we sow, cultivate, and harvest our own products, and make them available to our customers alongside those of associated local producers.

When you buy fruits and vegetables at FrutaMare, you receive seasonal pieces of national origin, 100% natural, without conservation in refrigeration chambers or chemical treatments that artificially maintain their appearance but with few nutrients and flavor.

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Minimum order amount: 30.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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