Quince Paste Can - Special Edition Box 600g

from Santa Teresa Gourmet


Artisan Pastries with Quince

Accompany your coffee or tea time with a unique sweet treat. Santa Teresa quince pastries are that delicious bite that complements your relaxing moment perfectly. An unmatched flavor for a special instant. Packaged in a beautiful tin to preserve all its quality.

Made by hand in our workshop, in a completely artisanal way, following a traditional recipe and using only the best natural ingredients, without preservatives or artificial additives. Because it's natural for you to enjoy the maximum quality and the wonderful taste that this gourmet product can offer you.

Sweet for Coffee or Tea

There is a healthy custom in Spain (as well as in other parts of the world) of associating relaxation time with a good cup of coffee (or tea, if you prefer). Mid-morning, after lunch, for a snack... It's a practice we have incorporated into our daily routine.

And if we accompany that coffee with a special sweet treat, we turn that moment of rest into something unique. If there's one thing that characterizes these pastries, it's the unmistakable and unique sweet touch of Santa Teresa quince, made in a traditional way, from fresh fruit and cooked slowly, adding only sugar and lemon, to achieve that unmatched texture and a unique color, with reddish and orangish hues, so characteristic of Santa Teresa quince.

Santa Teresa Pastries with Quality Ingredients

Faithful to our philosophy, "we are what we eat", Santa Teresa quince pastries are made with the best natural ingredients:

  • Almond
  • Sugar
  • Wheat flour
  • Eggs
  • Santa Teresa quince
  • Butter and salt

... and nothing else. Because we want to offer you a unique flavor with the traditional recipe of traditional pastries, as they were made at home. That's why we haven't added anything artificial: no preservatives or additives.

And not forgetting the extra ingredient in all our recipes: all the love we put into the production process, ensuring that our pastries retain the taste and properties of the natural ingredients we use.

So, get ready to have an experience of unmatched flavor.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened, consume within 15 days

Ingredients: - Harina de trigo (gluten) - Membrillo Santa Teresa 15% (membrillo, azúcar y zumo de limón) - Mantequilla (contiene derivados lácteos) - Azúcar - Huevos - Almendra - Anís - Sal

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Santa Teresa Gourmet
No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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