R[+]-Ala 60 Caps

from FitnessZone



Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a substance increasingly used among nutrition professionals due to its multiple properties.

Being aware that the body's ability to synthesize this substance is very limited and from the diet (spinach, meat, liver, brewer's yeast) it is not easy to obtain it in useful quantities, it is usually recommended to take it in supplement form

Additional information

Lipoic acid is key in our metabolism, assisting the B vitamins in the conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. It also has a great antioxidant potential that serves in both aqueous and fatty media, unlike what happens with Vitamin E (which only works in fat) and Vitamin C (which only works in water), being considered the universal antioxidant

This antioxidant action is provided in 3 different ways: direct (by directly sequestering free radicals), indirect (recycling other antioxidants that have been destroyed by neutralizing free radicals, such as vitamins E and C, glutathione and co-enzyme Q10), and by increasing cellular synthesis of glutathione, with a prominent role in the elimination of toxins and carcinogens during liver detoxification

The nutritional and clinical use of lipoic acid has been recognized for many years, because its natural synthesis decreases with age, stressful situations (such as intense exercise) and in some degenerative diseases

ALA can function "in vivo" as a B vitamin and, in higher doses, as a plant-derived food such as curcumin, sulforaphane, resveratrol and other food substances that induce liver detoxification enzymes.

ALA's anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties are also known

Its anti-inflammatory capacity and its reducing effect on triglyceride levels and very low density lipoproteins, have a powerful positive effect on the prevention of vascular diseases.

In addition to the above, stabilizes cognitive function, improves memory, increases cerebral blood flow and activates intracellular signaling mechanisms capable of increasing the survival of neurons (being useful to help in the management of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurological disorders associated with oxidative damage)

Racemic form of Alpha Lipoic Acid

R-Alpha Lipoic acid from Starlabs Nutrition stands out, not only for the amount of alpha lipoic acid provided (200mg), but for providing 100% in the racemic or R(+) form. The difference with most of the products currently marketed is that they contain a racemic mixture of 50% R(+)-lipoic acid and 50% S(-)-lipoic acid, thus decreasing its effectiveness

In nature there is only the R(+) form, being the only configuration that our body can synthesize and the most effective, acting as an essential cofactor for four mitochondrial enzyme complexes

How to use

Take 1 capsule a day with a glass of water.

Take 1 capsule a day with a glass of water


Pack of 60 capsules.

Pack of 60 capsules

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No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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