from Disfrut


The price shown is an estimate based on the weight of the product. The final price will depend on the weight of the delivered product.

Origin: MURCIAVariety: DELICIASSize: GGCategoría: 1stUnits/Kg: 5
No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

More information

It is grown in temperate climates. It is one of the most popular vegetables as it has multiple health properties and many culinary possibilities. Its best season is summer and there are different varieties according to their characteristics and consumption: - Vine and pear tomatoes: for canning. - Canary tomato: sweet flavor. - Cherry tomato: small and round, fruity flavor. - Green tomato: hard pulp, for salads. - Monserrat tomato: for salads. - Raf tomato: very tasty. - Daniela tomato: ripe tomato variety, spherical shape, juicy, for grating. - Rambo tomato: greenhouse cultivation, juicy and good flavor. It is rich in vitamins A and C, is antioxidant, and purifies toxins from the body. It also contains minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, potassium, and sodium. Due to its properties, it is beneficial for preventing infections, for vision, preventing heart diseases, avoiding hypertension, promoting the muscular and nervous system, being anti-inflammatory, healing, and diuretic. Tomato is a basic ingredient in our gastronomy, it is consumed in salads, gazpachos, sauces, soups, pasta, rice, jams, etc.
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Daniel Martin
Friday, 03 May 2024

Como siempre, Disfrut es calidad. Toda la fruta y verdura está en su punto perfecto de maduración

Daniel Martin
Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Todo perfecto, Disfrut es una maravilla en cuanto a calidad y cantidad!!!

Daniel Martin
Friday, 22 March 2024

Todo perfecto, bien embalado y en su estado correcto. Lo único malo es que la empresa de transporte no cuida mucho los envíos, pero Disfrut se encarga de embalarlo todo bien

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