Raw forest raw honey is a honey of flowers of herbs and shrubs of forests and mountains, has an intense color, a flavor that takes us to the freshness of the forest and the breeze of the mountains, with a fresh aroma that transports our palate to the flavors of the forest breeze, with a unique intensity
It is a honey of flowers of herbs and bushes of forests and mountains, with an intense flavor that takes us to the freshness of the forest and the breeze of the mountains. The bees get it from the bushes of lavender, thyme, rosemary and scrubland and forest plants, has an intense color that varies from season to season depending on rainfall and temperatures
Forest honey is a favorite of many because of its intense flavor.
Forest and bush plants and shrubs grow uncontrolled and wild which causes subtle differences that are highly appreciated from season to season.
Forest honey is a favourite of many because of its intense flavour
Raw forest honey has an intense color, with a fresh aroma that transports our palate to the flavors of the forest breeze, with a unique intensity
Among the common uses of raw forest honey we can point out its digestive properties
The beneficial effects of natural honey have been recognized by communities all over the world, such as:
Honey's beneficial effects have been recognized by communities all over the world, such as:
It is a honey that combines very well with cheeses, as well as to taste in a toast
Try our recipe BeHoney ginger and raw honey forest biscuits.
Try our recipe BeHoney ginger and raw honey forest biscuits
See more in our HONEY RECIPES
sectionRaw forest honey is different from processed honey, raw honey means that the honey is packaged from the hive to the jar with minimal interference, retaining all the minerals, vitamins, pollen, propolis, jelly and more additives typical of raw honey.
Raw forest honey is different from processed honey, raw honey means that the honey is packaged from the hive to the jar with minimal interference, retaining all the minerals, vitamins, pollen, propolis, jelly and more additives typical of raw honey
Most industrial honey is highly processed so that it always looks the same and attractive, as a result of these processes and pasteurization that many producers perform, enzymes, pollens and most of the properties of honey are lost
The raw forest honey that we harvest varies subtly in some of its nuances such as color from one batch to another, so you can perceive some variations from one season to another, due to rainfall, temperatures during flowering that make the blooms are advanced or delayed, producing variations in the taste of our pure honey.
Please note that raw honey crystallizes and this is a natural process that occurs mainly due to the natural glucose in the raw honey.
Please note that raw honey crystallizes and this is a natural process that occurs mainly due to the natural glucose in the raw honey
The crystallization process is something natural in raw honey, it is a process by which honey hardens. You can consume it perfectly in that state, but if you want to reverse this state, simply place it in a bain-marie for a few minutes, trying not to exceed 40 º
Here at BEHONEY we take pure honey very seriously and believe that honey should be RAW, unpasteurized and 100% natural. We have been introducing our customers to a whole new world of pure unpasteurized honey. With a product catalogue consisting of a variety of different raw and organic honeys, we have a variety to suit all tastes
You can see more about us in the interview that we did last May in which we explained in a summarized way the operation of the hive and the process of transhumance of the hives. See here.
Murcia and Castilla la Mancha, Spain
Raw forest raw honey is a honey of flowers of herbs and shrubs of forests and mountains, has an intense color, a flavor that takes us to the freshness of the forest and the breeze of the mountains, with a fresh aroma that transports our palate to the flavors of the forest breeze, with a unique intensity
It is a honey of flowers of herbs and bushes of forests and mountains, with an intense flavor that takes us to the freshness of the forest and the breeze of the mountains. The bees get it from the bushes of lavender, thyme, rosemary and scrubland and forest plants, has an intense color that varies from season to season depending on rainfall and temperatures
Forest honey is a favorite of many because of its intense flavor.
Forest and bush plants and shrubs grow uncontrolled and wild which causes subtle differences that are highly appreciated from season to season.
Forest honey is a favourite of many because of its intense flavour
Raw forest honey has an intense color, with a fresh aroma that transports our palate to the flavors of the forest breeze, with a unique intensity
Among the common uses of raw forest honey we can point out its digestive properties
The beneficial effects of natural honey have been recognized by communities all over the world, such as:
Honey's beneficial effects have been recognized by communities all over the world, such as:
It is a honey that combines very well with cheeses, as well as to taste in a toast
Try our recipe BeHoney ginger and raw honey forest biscuits.
Try our recipe BeHoney ginger and raw honey forest biscuits
See more in our HONEY RECIPES
sectionRaw forest honey is different from processed honey, raw honey means that the honey is packaged from the hive to the jar with minimal interference, retaining all the minerals, vitamins, pollen, propolis, jelly and more additives typical of raw honey.
Raw forest honey is different from processed honey, raw honey means that the honey is packaged from the hive to the jar with minimal interference, retaining all the minerals, vitamins, pollen, propolis, jelly and more additives typical of raw honey
Most industrial honey is highly processed so that it always looks the same and attractive, as a result of these processes and pasteurization that many producers perform, enzymes, pollens and most of the properties of honey are lost
The raw forest honey that we harvest varies subtly in some of its nuances such as color from one batch to another, so you can perceive some variations from one season to another, due to rainfall, temperatures during flowering that make the blooms are advanced or delayed, producing variations in the taste of our pure honey.
Please note that raw honey crystallizes and this is a natural process that occurs mainly due to the natural glucose in the raw honey.
Please note that raw honey crystallizes and this is a natural process that occurs mainly due to the natural glucose in the raw honey
The crystallization process is something natural in raw honey, it is a process by which honey hardens. You can consume it perfectly in that state, but if you want to reverse this state, simply place it in a bain-marie for a few minutes, trying not to exceed 40 º
Here at BEHONEY we take pure honey very seriously and believe that honey should be RAW, unpasteurized and 100% natural. We have been introducing our customers to a whole new world of pure unpasteurized honey. With a product catalogue consisting of a variety of different raw and organic honeys, we have a variety to suit all tastes
You can see more about us in the interview that we did last May in which we explained in a summarized way the operation of the hive and the process of transhumance of the hives. See here.
Murcia and Castilla la Mancha, Spain