Buying these solidarity products you are contributing to maintain the response capacity of ASOCIACIÓN "APIMYS ALMETA ALBA" to new challenges that aim to promote new projects for the conservation of the environment and the labor insertion of people with difficulties of social insertion
In fact, one of the priority objectives of ASOCIACIÓN APIMYS " ALMETA ALBA" is the creation of sustainable food products of supreme quality, for which it has established a framework of collaboration with various entities, whose philosophy is based on respect for nature and sensitivity to social values
Thus, it has given birth to its own line of pure honeys in collaboration with other traditional beekeeping entities of the environment, to supply the customer with a handcrafted product of the highest quality and values
New projects are currently being developed to expand and diversify the range of sustainable food products, fostering new cooperation links at all levels.
We are currently developing new projects to expand and diversify the range of sustainable food products, fostering new cooperation links at all levels
Every product in the store is a treasure that is born in nature, enriched by the energy of all your hearts and reaches deep into the souls of infinite extraordinary beings!
Every product in the store is a treasure that is born in nature, enriched by the energy of all your hearts and reaches deep into the souls of infinite extraordinary beings!