Eladiet offers us Red Vine in tablets is a dietary supplement that helps maintain normal circulation.
In herbal medicine, red vine is known primarily for its benefits in the bloodstream. The phytonutrients present in its leaves act as natural venotonics, angioprotectors and anti-edematous. In other words, they contribute to the tonicity and protection of blood vessels and capillaries. They are particularly able to reduce the permeability of blood vessels and improve their resistance. Therefore, a treatment with red vine may be of interest to fight against venous insufficiency, to relieve the feeling of heavy and/or swollen legs, to reduce edema, to reduce varicose veins, to relieve hemorrhoids, to treat rosacea, to limit nosebleeds and promote blood circulation in general.
How to use:
4-6 tablets per day.
Synergistic with other astringent substances.