Ingredients:Chickpea 30%, beef tripe 30%, chorizo 7.3%, EVOO 4.7%, garlic, paprika, cayenne, salt.
Today we are going to elaborate a typical dish of the traditional Mediterranean cuisine. Veal tripe with chickpeas, has been present in the weekly homemade menu of many generations and is still liked as much as before. An ideal dish for the winter, as it has a great calorific value
Let's talk a little about the ingredients of this tasty dish veal tripe with chickpeas. The chickpea is a legume known worldwide. Let's get to know its properties. In its composition, slow absorption carbohydrates stand out, which creates a satiating effect, so they are very suitable for diets, as they will make you not feel hungry between meals. They have a high biological value and a high fiber content
They help to keep cholesterol and glucose at bay. Choosing a dish of tripe with chickpeas as the main course of the daily menu would be a very wise choice. And if to all this we add the preparation with virgin olive oil it will be a delicacy. In a menu of homemade táper at home should never miss this traditional and so much of the Spanish cuisine. Once exposed all the benefits of chickpeas, we will tell the no less beneficial benefits of its companion, the veal tripe.
We must highlight its mineral content such as iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and especially selenium.
They are very rich in iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and especially selenium
Veal tripe is a food that contains 14.81 grams of complete proteins, very good for replenishing muscle mass.They have hardly any carbohydrates. Having said all this, we could add them to our diet once every 15 days, knowing that we take a balanced dish, as both ingredients complement each other. Without any problem we can take them in our home menu in the office. Do not forget that all our dishes are packaged in environmentally friendly glass jars. And enjoy wherever you want a good plate of veal with chickpeas
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