Vitargo Carboloader 1 Kg Orange

from FitnessZone



Product made exclusively from the patented formula Vitargo®. It is easily digestible and absorbable amylopectin that allows you to replenish glycogen stores 70% faster than other carbohydrate-based supplements. Thanks to these unique qualities, it is also able to improve performance in long-lasting sports, providing quick energy to the muscles during physical activity.


Main benefits of Vitargo Carboloader from Quamtrax:· 64.4g of carbohydrates ·

· 92% carbohydrates (90% are starches) ·

· Low in fats ·

· Low in sugars ·


Starch (Vitargo®).

Directions for use

For prolonged workouts, take 70g (5 scoops) with 750 ml of water during the activity. For recovery, take 70g mixed with 500 ml or 600 ml of water or your favorite drink after training. For glycogen loading before competition, take three days before 2 servings of 70g between main meals.


1,000 grams container.

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No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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