White grape basket, black grape, apples, and Conference pears 6 kg (1kg white grape + 1kg black grape + 2kg apples + 2kg Conference pears)

from Frutamare


Free Shipping! (Peninsula Only)

When buying fruits and vegetables, we cannot limit ourselves to the same varieties as always. Nor is it enough to acquire a few pieces to consume occasionally.

Plant-based foods are at the base of the nutritional pyramid, so they should be part of our daily diet in quantity, but also in variety. Different types of fruits ensure that we receive the different macro and micronutrients that the body needs.

That is one of the reasons for the existence of FrutaMare baskets. Combining fruits and vegetables that provide the vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, antioxidants, or phytochemical compounds that each individual requires.

Today we present a 6kg basket that includes 1 kg of white grapes, 1 kg of black grapes, 2 kg of apples, and 2 kg of conference pears, whose harvest season and therefore optimal consumption would be between autumn and winter.

This basket can be yours for €25 including taxes and shipping to the peninsula. You will receive it within an average of 24 hours at the indicated address.

Why buy the White Grape, Black Grape, Apple, and Conference Pear Basket from FrutaMare?

The main reason to buy fruit and vegetables through this basket is that, as we have already mentioned, we need a variety of fruits. It's not even a question of taste - although yours will be more than satisfied with the products we offer - but of health.

Fruits aid digestion and improve intestinal transit. Buying fruit and vegetables is especially recommended for pregnant women or people with respiratory, renal, anemic conditions (vitamin C promotes iron absorption), imbalances in cholesterol levels, or hypertension problems reducing the risk of vascular accidents.

In addition, fruits are diuretic due to their high water content, which helps eliminate toxins. They contain vitamins and minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, improve bone, muscle, ocular health... A myriad of properties, some common and others exclusive to each specific fruit, that you only receive when buying fruit and vegetables and consuming them regularly.

In summary: the more variety you introduce, the more positive effects you will achieve. You just have to order this basket orbuy applesbuy grapesorbuy pearsin bulk.

The quality of FrutaMare

In order to achieve the mentioned benefits, it is necessary for the fruit to be in its optimal consumption season. This can only be achieved by harvesting it at the right moment of ripeness, that is, respecting the natural cycles of the plant.

FrutaMare has been in the market for years, and even more producing goods in their fields in the Valencian Community. The climate and soil of the area give them a quality that has earned them the protected geographical indication seal.

What you will receive at home when buying fruit and vegetables from FrutaMare is fresh and 100% natural fruit and vegetables.

In ourfruit and vegetable storeyou will find a basket of high-quality white and black grapes, apples, and conference pears.

It is sweet fruit that only needs to be peeled and cut (or not, because the skin also has properties) to provide all its nutritional value.

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Minimum order amount: 30.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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