POLVO DE HOJA DE STEVIA | Hojas molidas naturales puras | BIO orgánica | Cetosis + Edulcorante natural y pérdida de peso - Origen Spain

de Samskara


Stevia leaf powder is an intensely sweet-tasting plant that has been used to sweeten beverages and make tea since the 16th century. It contains few or no calories. Stevia is used as a healthy alternative to added sugar in many foods and beverages, and in addition:

★It has shown potential health benefits as a healthy alternative to sugar for people with diabetes. ★

★The natural sweetener tastes 200 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar. ★

★Stevia can be classified as "zero calories," because the calories per serving are so low★

★100% pure botanicals, 100% ground leaves, no chemical processing or bleaching – please note that due to its natural state, the powder sweetens but does not dissolve completely and leaves visible components in combinations such as teas/coffees. For best results, use in a blender or blender. ★

★Suitable for vegetarians and vegans★/p>

Bio / Ecológico
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Pedido mínimo: 40,00 € Envío en: 3 - 3 días laborables

Más información

Stevia powder

Stevia leaf powder is an intensely sweet-tasting plant that has been used to sweeten beverages and make tea since the 16th century. It contains few or no calories. Stevia is used as a healthy alternative to added sugar in many foods and drinks.


Research has shown that stevia sweeteners do not contribute calories or carbohydrates to the diet. They have also been shown to have no effect on blood glucose or insulin response. This allows people with diabetes to eat a greater variety of foods and stick to a healthy eating plan.

Weight management

Stevia leaf powder contains no sugar and very few, if any, calories. It can be part of a balanced diet to help reduce energy intake without sacrificing taste.

Sugar substitutes

More than 5,000 food and beverage products currently use stevia as an ingredient. Stevia sweeteners are used as an ingredient in products throughout Asia and South America.

Children's diet

Foods and beverages containing stevia may play an important role in decreasing calories from unwanted sweeteners in children's diets. There are now thousands of products on the market that contain naturally occurring stevia, from salad dressings to snack bars. This availability allows children to consume sweet foods and beverages without the added calories while transitioning to a diet lower in sugars.

Cooking with Stevia Leaf Powder

Yes, you can cook with it. Each brand has its own ratio of sugar to stevia, so check the package before measuring the sweetener.


Estevia en Polvo natural molida pura

Calorie-free sweetener of the highest gourmet quality.

For baking, cooking, mixing drinks, blending smoothies.

It is a calorie-free sweetener of the highest quality

Pure ground natural Stevia powder

Pure ground natural Stevia powder

Pure ground natural Stevia powder

Stevia helps with blood sugar and insulin levels

Stevia helps control blood sugar and insulin levels. Reducing your intake of foods and sweets that raise insulin levels is perhaps the most important way to reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and other age-related ailments.

Stevia helps control diabetes

Stevia has the unique ability to suppress plasma glucose levels and increase your glucose tolerance. For one, the stevia sweetener has zero calories and is very beneficial for those looking to lower glucose levels.

Calorie-free sweetener of the highest gourmet quality.

Our stevia powder can be used to make homemade cookies, yogurt, cakes, cakes, soft drinks,

cooking sauces, salad dressings, and more. The stevia powder mixture dissolves quickly in baking mixes, hot liquids, and cold drinks.


Stevia en Polvo natural molida pura

Stevia en Polvo natural molida pura

Stevia en Polvo natural molida pura

Stevia en Polvo natural molida pura


Un poco de estevia es todo lo que necesitas para añadir un toque dulce a tu taza matutina.


Disfruta de un extra de dulzor en tus batidos de frutas y proteínas.

Tartas y glaseados

La stevia se mezcla y disuelve bien para hornear tus galletas y pasteles favoritos o para mezclar en glaseados y mantecados sin azúcar.

Té helado

Con todo el dulzor y ninguna de las calorías, nuestro té helado es todo tipo de refresco.


★ Envasado con paz y amor ★
★ El producto puede tener una etiqueta/pegatina en español ★

Ingredientes: Hoja de Stevia en polvo

Alérgenos: Libre de alérgenos - puede contener trazas/semillas de Frutos Secos.

Almacenamiento: Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco, alejado de la luz solar directa.


Hoja de Stevia en polvo - Vídeo de interacción con el fundador!


En caso de que quiera considerar nuestras otras Fuentes de Proteínas disponibles en forma de polvo, usadas regularmente por atletas basados en plantas, ¡consúltelas aquí!

Stevia en Polvo natural molida pura

Stevia en Polvo natural molida pura

Stevia en Polvo natural molida pura

Limonada de Stevia

4 limones

1 limón para cortar en rodajas y añadir a la jarra

1 litro de agua con gas / agua con gas

1/2 taza de polvo de hoja de estevia Soliaura

Un puñado de cubitos de hielo

Mezcla bien todos los ingredientes y sirve.

Batido de verduras verdes

-1 taza de espinacas frescas y lavadas

Ensalada de arándanos

-2gr de espirulina en polvo

-1 cucharadita de lino marrón

20g de proteína de guisante en polvo

-1 cucharadita de aceite de coco

-3 trozos de dátiles o media cucharadita de estevia natural en polvo Samskara

En una licuadora, mezclar todos los ingredientes y servir.

Caramelo de queso crema con estevia

1/4 de taza de mantequilla

2 cucharadas de yogur, leche o crema de mantequilla

1 cucharadita de estevia Samskara

1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla

1 taza de queso crema

Mezcla los ingredientes y utilízalos como cobertura para pasteles.

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