Appellation of origin
Appellation of origin
Mark: Disznókó
1413 Disznókó Tokaji Édes Szamorodni 2017. 50 centiliters.
1413 is the year in which the Disznókó vineyard was harvested for the first time. This Tokaji is a sweet wine. "Édes Szamorodni comes from grapes with noble rot that have been handpicked from the extraordinary Disznókó vineyards.
This Disznókó vineyard is the first of its kind
This Disznókó 1413 is very rich, fresh and is made to enjoy. It has the perfect ageing.
From Casa Ortega, we recommend pairing it with blue cheese, desserts, foie gras or alone
Mark: Disznókó
1413 Disznókó Tokaji Édes Szamorodni 2017. 50 centiliters.
1413 is the year in which the Disznókó vineyard was harvested for the first time. This Tokaji is a sweet wine. "Édes Szamorodni comes from grapes with noble rot that have been handpicked from the extraordinary Disznókó vineyards.
This Disznókó vineyard is the first of its kind
This Disznókó 1413 is very rich, fresh and is made to enjoy. It has the perfect ageing.
From Casa Ortega, we recommend pairing it with blue cheese, desserts, foie gras or alone