Ancho Reyes is a particularly popular liqueur, created by the Reyes family, was the only one made with the culture insignia of Puebla: the Precious Chile
Ancho Reyes is a particularly popular liqueur, created by the Reyes family, was the only one made with the culture insignia of Puebla: the precious wide Chile.
Ancho Reyes is Chile's original wide liqueur-the heated and piquant celebration of the radical, the romantic, the revolutionary that we all carry inside.
Ancho Reyes is born from the fertile land of Puebla, an original liquid, as unique and sovereign as the wide chile of which it is made.
Ancho Reyes is of deep bronze hue, bright, with medium body and high unctuosity.
The nose is slightly pungent, followed by notes of dried chilli, spices, cinnamon, cocoa, tamarind and humid wood. They complement a slight herbaceous notes.
Pleasant sweet taste, followed by the frank taste of dry chilli-of moderate but very present itching-and mild acidity. Notes of spices, tamarind, plum, cocoa, apple and almonds, and then subtle notes of fine herbs. A pleasantly lingering pungent taste in the end.