Artichoke Extract S.XXI 50ml Soria Natural



Artichoke Extract S.XXI 50ml Soria Natural

Artichoke is a plant that has multiple nutritive, digestive, purifying, hypolipemic, and diuretic properties. These properties can contribute to:

  • Good liver function.
  • Stimulation of appetite in cases of lack of appetite.
  • Improvement of digestion.
  • Reducing blood lipid levels.
  • Promoting the elimination of fluids.

Soria Natural's 21st Century Extracts Range:

Soria Natural's 21st Century Extracts Range combines the traditions of phytotherapy with the latest scientific advances to offer high-quality and effective products.

Main Features:

  • Cyclodextrins: Use of cyclodextrins to improve the absorption of active ingredients.
  • Freeze-Dried Extract in Vegetable Glycerin: Freeze-drying process that preserves the properties of artichoke and improves its stability.
  • Greater Absorption and Bioavailability: The formulation improves the absorption and bioavailability of active ingredients, ensuring that the body uses them more efficiently.
  • Greater Stability and Protection: Applied technology provides greater stability and protection to active ingredients, ensuring their effectiveness.
  • Combination of Multiple Active Ingredients: Artichoke contains multiple active ingredients that act synergistically to enhance its benefits.
  • Decreased Irritation When Ingested: Formulation designed to minimize gastrointestinal irritation, improving product tolerance.
  • Alcohol-Free: Alcohol-free extracts, making them suitable for people who want or need to avoid alcohol consumption.

Benefits of Artichoke Extract:

The artichoke extract from Soria Natural's 21st Century Range is ideal for those seeking to maximize the properties of this plant through a supplement that guarantees quality, efficacy, and safety.


Humectant: glycerin, water, Freeze-dried Artichoke Extract (Cynara scolymus L, leaf) (540 mg), gamma-cyclodextrins (180 mg), and alpha-cyclodextrins (90 mg).

Composition (3ml):

Cynarin: 6 mg

Directions for Use

Adults: it is recommended to take 1 ml, 3 times a day, diluted in water.

Shake before use. For dosing, squeeze the dropper and wait a few seconds.

Store in a dry, cool place protected from light.

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Minimum order amount: 10.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

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