Brother of our Revitalizing Honey. The same meticulous selection process of raw materials, in this case only in an Organic version, with certified ORGANIC ingredients.
The same production, the same formulation, the same objective, although in this version, we replace the oils with eucalyptus essential oil, which gives it that unique fresh and balsamic flavor, transporting you to the typical landscape of our forests, where just breathing already provides relief and tranquility to your lungs.
Rediscover the properties of Nature.
Very complete and versatile. It is especially recommended for anyone who wants to improve their health and vitality.
Its texture, similar to honey, makes its tasting a surprising explosion of flavors and gustatory sensations.
We recommend a daily consumption dose of half a teaspoon of coffee, before breakfast and lunch. Or whenever the body demands it.
Raw bee honey, royal jelly, fresh pollen, propolis mother tincture, and citrus essential oils (eucalyptus).
Consume directly 2 small coffee-sized teaspoons in situations of tiredness or fatigue per day.
Brother of our Revitalizing Honey. The same meticulous selection process of raw materials, in this case only in an Organic version, with certified ORGANIC ingredients.
The same production, the same formulation, the same objective, although in this version, we replace the oils with eucalyptus essential oil, which gives it that unique fresh and balsamic flavor, transporting you to the typical landscape of our forests, where just breathing already provides relief and tranquility to your lungs.
Rediscover the properties of Nature.
Very complete and versatile. It is especially recommended for anyone who wants to improve their health and vitality.
Its texture, similar to honey, makes its tasting a surprising explosion of flavors and gustatory sensations.
We recommend a daily consumption dose of half a teaspoon of coffee, before breakfast and lunch. Or whenever the body demands it.
Raw bee honey, royal jelly, fresh pollen, propolis mother tincture, and citrus essential oils (eucalyptus).
Consume directly 2 small coffee-sized teaspoons in situations of tiredness or fatigue per day.