Hairstyle Brandy 12 is an aged 12 solera brandy elaborated by spraying the Solera, not with Hollands, but with aged brandy
Hairstyle Brandy 12 is an aged 12 solera brandy made by spraying the solera, not with Hollands, but with aged brandy. A practice that has surpassed the passage of time, and has become essential to offer that aroma and that body that confer the unique personality of this brandy. Distilled in copper and firewood.
Hairstyle Brandy 12 presents a iodinated amber color. It is a brandy with character and aromas with certain features of vanilla and dates.
In Bonca it is round and soft. Spacious and complex. With a soft nuance of complete and balanced final alcohol. Vanilla and wood aftertaste.