This whiskey bulleit is the flagship of the distillery - lería bulle Distilling Company, respecting the original formula of more than 150 years ago. The make it especially distinctive its blend of barley, barley and wheat.
They make especially distinctive its blend of barley, barley and wheat
TASTING NOTE: Amber color and spicy touches, with a memory of very light smoked wood. Medium and dry finish, with hints of toffee.
Thiswhiskeybulleit is thevesselbadge of the distillery-lumberyard bulleDistillingCompany,respecting theformulaoriginalfromover 150 years agoover 150 years ago.Themake especiallydistinctive itsmixofpriming,barley and wheat.
NOTEDECATA: Coloramberand withspicy, with aremembranceawoodsmoky smokedverylight.Finalmedium class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b">anddry, with hintsatoffee.