8,50 €
Origin: Vega de Aranjuez, San Martín de la vega and Ciempozuelos.
Origin: Vega de Aranjuez, San Martín de la vega and Ciempozuelos
It is true that in the past, cherry tomatoes were considered a second-rate variety due to their organoleptic characteristics. However, over the years, they have become one of the favourite complements to give colour and flavour to salads, stews and other culinary preparations.
The reason for their success is that they have become one of the most popular varieties in the world
The reason for its success is a sweeter and less acidic taste than its closest relatives, as well as the explosion it causes when it comes into contact with the palate
The vitamin A in cherry tomatoes aids in the production of white blood cells and provides proper functioning of the heart, kidneys and lungs.
It also supports healthy vision, thanks to its beta-carotene content
They also maintain healthy vision, thanks to their beta-carotene content.
They are a good source of vitamin A in cherry tomatoes
They are a good source of vitamin C as they provide a large dose of this vitamin. They are rich in water and provide an ideal body hydration. They are also a great complement to a balanced diet as they are healthy due to their lycopene content, an antioxidant considered even more powerful than beta-carotene and vitamin E. They reduce waist circumference, being ideal for weight loss and cholesterol control
Provide bone health. They are said to prevent the risks of osteoporosis later in life. They are also said to prevent skin damage caused by the sun's harmful rays and protect the brain from disorders, according to an article published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine in 2010.
They are also said to prevent skin damage caused by the sun's harmful rays
They offer about four grams (g) of carbohydrates per serving. Carbohydrates help provide you with the energy you need for rigorous activities throughout the day. According to the Institute of Medicine, you should eat about 130 g of carbohydrates each day, more if you're an athlete or a mother-to-be.