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Dimple uses a blend of over 30 different malts. His characteristic bottle with the wire that covers it was not to leave the cap shot by the high temperatures
Shiny gold colour, new and vanilla and dried fruits on the nose. A touch of tobacco. Smooth and rich taste, caramel, oak and citrus. Woody finish accompanied by pepper and cocoa
Fromthe company Haig,from the family oldest Haig oldestof distillersof Scotland,Simpleusesonemixof more than 30malts different,somevarious rareHighlandsof the companyDiageo.
Yourfeaturebottlewith wirethat covers itwasbecause wouldn't come out thetapfired for thehightemperaturesthat formerly reachedduringtravels.
NOTEDECATA: Colorgoldbright,innose new and vanillaand fruitsdry.A touch atobacco.Offlavor class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b">softand rich,caramel, oakand citrus.End awoodaccompaniedby pepper andcacao.