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It is the flower for people who hide their problems under a facade of pleasure and happiness. The archetypal Agrimony person would be the sad clown, suffering internal anguish while still being the life and soul of the party. Their friends are often the last to find out that something is wrong in Agrimony's life.
Sometimes Agrimony people turn to drink or drugs to help them maintain the appearance of happiness, and they tend to avoid loneliness, as it is harder for them to maintain the facade of happiness. Instead, they will seek out friends, parties, and joyful moments. Only at night, when they are alone with their own thoughts, will the mental torment they successfully repressed return.
This flower is given to these kinds of people to help them accept and confront the darker aspects of life and their own personalities, so that they can become more whole human beings. They will not lose their sense of humor, but they will laugh at their worries to dissipate them, instead of laughing to hide them. It is also used as a remedy for mood swings, as it helps anyone who is trying to avoid facing their difficulties and pretending that everything is fine to avoid having to face the painful reality.