Flower remedy nº 28 Scleranthus 20ml Bach

from Solo Sin Gluten


28 SCLERANTHUS (CHOICE) 20 ML BACH It is the flower for people who have difficulty deciding between two or more options. The indecision of Scleranthus generally affects both minor and major decisions; 'should I marry Pedro?' or 'should I buy the red or blue agenda?', both aspects are covered in the Scleranthus states. Sometimes the chronic uncertainty of the Scleranthus person manifests itself in different ways. One can present with fluctuating moods, such as going from joy to sadness, from activity to apathy, from optimism to pessimism, or from laughter to tears. Or they may suffer from dizziness while traveling by car, plane, or boat. These symptoms are not foolproof guides to the Scleranthus remedy, but they are indications that it could be considered. The remedy helps us to act more decisively and learn to better understand our own mind.
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Solo Sin Gluten
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