Being the second single malt month come from the world and one of the most happened in the U.S.. It has a rather peculiar whiskey, with notes of flowers and apple, a good example is this Founders Reserve
TASTING NOTE: Pale gold color, the nose is delicate citrus and sweet apple. The palate is sweet, hints of pear, candied apple and orange, with flowers. Long creamy and smooth finish
Being the second single maltmescomeof the worldandone of the most contestedin the US, is adistillerytraditional andveryimportant in the important in thethXIX,but for aproblem intheuseof the nameGlenlivet, the companywas heavilyunderminedby other companiesthat made this namewithout permission.
Hasawhiskey quitespeculiar,withnotes aflowers andapple, a goodexample isthisFoundersReserve.
NOTEDECATA: Colorgoldpale,innose it's delicatea citrus andapplesweet.Onpalateis sweet, hintsapear, appleconfit andorange,with flowers.Endlong class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b">creamyand smooth.