Ibarra Ibarlur chilli 370 Ml.
Ibarra Ibarlur chilli 370 Ml.
Ibarra chilli peppers are characterised by their mild flavour, tender flesh and thin skin. Their shape is narrow, elongated and smooth, with a round section and their length varies between 5 and 12 cm.
As it is a natural preserve, once the jar has been opened, it should be consumed within 4 or 5 days and kept tightly closed in the refrigerator.
Ibarra Ibarlur chilli 370 Ml.
Ibarra Ibarlur chilli 370 Ml.
Ibarra chilli peppers are characterised by their mild flavour, tender flesh and thin skin. Their shape is narrow, elongated and smooth, with a round section and their length varies between 5 and 12 cm.
As it is a natural preserve, once the jar has been opened, it should be consumed within 4 or 5 days and kept tightly closed in the refrigerator.