As Hanssens is a Geuzestekerij, it buys its lambic from other producers and ages it on its own premises For its Hanssens Oudbeitje it blends its two-year-old lambic with natural strawberries at a ratio of 150 kg per 600-litre barrel where it matures for a year. He bottles and stores it in the brewery's cellar for at least a year where secondary fermentation takes place.
They are then bottled and stored in the brewery's cellar for at least a year where secondary fermentation takes place
[BOTTLE 37,5 CL]
Belgian lambic beer, 5.8% alcohol, spontaneous fermentation and secondary fermentation in the bottle.
Hanssens Oudbeitje has an aroma of strawberries mixed with cheddar cheese, vanilla, yogurt and a note of white wine type Riesling
Hanssens Oudbeitje has aromas of strawberries mixed with cheddar cheese, vanilla, yoghurt and a hint of white wine Riesling. The delicate and sweet taste continues with a fine acidity and fruity sensation